Newborn Photographer in the Bay Area | Shayna Cox Photography

As a birth and newborn photographer in the bay area, I’d love to tell you how sessions typically go when you hire Shayna Cox Photography!

As a mom of twin boys, I completely understand the exhaustion of the newborn stage. You are in love, getting lots of oxytocin-filled cuddles, and also incredibly sleep-deprived and HEALING from birth (or even healing from the emotional roller-coaster of adoption. Been there!).

When our boys were born, we held them as often as we could. They needed those cuddles to help bond with us, and so do your babies. The last thing we want to do is interrupt that warm, cozy cocoon by pulling you out into the wild, having to hobble around with diaper bags, potentially getting not only yourself and baby ready, but also toddlers who are needing all of your attention but maybe not quite getting as much of that as they want. It’s hard doing ANYTHING with newborns, let alone trying to prepare for a picture-perfect photo session.

So, to better serve you, I offer newborn photography in your home. If you live in the Bay Area of California, and surrounding areas, I will travel to you. I bring blankets, swaddles, and a Moses basket. All I need is a window with some good light. If you wanted to include your entire immediate family, and even grandparents, which I recommend, just clear out some space in a room with good lighting, and we will get photos of everyone. We can use any room (or rooms!) you want. Usually, this includes the nursery, or the master bedroom, or the living room, or a children’s room (or all of the above, whatever you want!). It doesn’t have to be perfectly clean. I have rowdy twin boys, so believe me, I’m not going to judge. I’m also totally comfortable pushing things out of the way if they need a little nudge, so don’t mind me! ;). I’ll even bring a light source if we need it!

If you need help with wardrobe planning, I am also happy to help guide you along. I often recommend softer colors and neutrals, as this will help bring that sweet, peaceful feeling that newborns bring. But of course, you can always wear whatever you want! It’s fun to see YOUR style come out in your photos!

So, stay comfy. Stay cozy. Stay home, and let me come to you. We will get some sweet, lovely photos, and they will be even more meaningful because they will be a snapshot of this time in your life–in this little space you have made for yourselves as you have welcomed baby into the world (or the home of a loved one, however you want to choose!).

Hope to see you soon!! If you would like to book a session, feel free to contact me through my website at, or shoot me an email at

Can’t wait to see you!!

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