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Pregnancy Podcasts to Get You Through Labor!

If you are a birth junkie, or at least interested in learning more about it, I got you covered!  There are so many free and valuable resources out there to learn about the current research.  I recommend listening to books, as well, but if you want shorter snippets of information, pregnancy podcasts are a great way to hear the most recent discussions.  Listening and educating yourself are also great ways to help ease some of your fears, especially if you are pregnant or the partner of a pregnant person.

So let’s get to it!! Here is a list of some of the amazing pregnancy and birth podcasts out there, many of which came recommended by the Birth Becomes You doula course.

doula provides compressions on birthing mom's back as she leans over a birthing ball listening to a pregnancy podcast

Pregnancy and Birth Podcasts

Check some (or all!) of these out on those daily curb-walks! 😉

 Healthful Woman Podcast.

This little gem covers the span of topics regarding women’s health and wellness. And of course, pregnancy and birth are a big part of that!

Bundle Birth Nurses


This podcast is geared specifically towards nurses working in the birth field, but its a great place to get information as to what our nurses are being taught and the climate of the birthing world in hospitals and medical-care facilities. It’s a great resource for nurses to learn how to be an instrument in preventing traumatic birthing experiences for their clients/patients.

Found Free.

Sabina Wade is a doula, spiritual director, educator, CEO, and Domme, with a passion for “liberation, spirituality, and activism”.  She provides thoughtful discussions and brings unique guests to her podcast.

Midwifery Wisdom Podcast.

Midwives specialize in supporting women in both out-of-hospital births, birthing centers, and some in-hospital births.  They are medically trained, and have probably seen far more unmedicated births than traditional doctors have, so they are very well-experienced in the natural progression of labor and the boots-on-the-ground experiences of women in birth around the world.

Evidence Based Birth Podcast.

This podcast focuses on data-driven discussions, and includes expert guests who come on to discuss whatever topic they are touching on that day.  It’s an easy listen, and pretty interesting, and you can trust the research! It’s a great way to become more informed on particular topics, such as the pros and cons of induction.

Birthful Podcast

This podcast brings on perinatal professionals as well as experienced parents to help inform your decision-making.

Homebirth Midwife Podcast

“The Homebirth Midwife podcast is hosted by Sarah McClure, CPM, LDM, LM and Charli Zarosinski, CPM, LDM, LM, founders and primary midwives of Hearth and Home Midwifery, a homebirth practice in Oregon and Washington. They are experts on all things related to natural pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum. Each week the podcast delves into the topics you want to know about regarding your pregnancy and birth.”

Free Birth Society

If you couldn’t guess, this podcast focuses on free birth.  Free birth is the idea that birthing individuals do not need anyone to coach them through labor–that they themselves know their bodies and what they need, and birth belongs wherever you want it to be, whether in your quiet living room or even in the ocean! Come listen to some amazing free-birthing stories.

The Birth Hour Podcast

Named in the top 50 podcasts by Time Magazine, the Birth Hour Podcast is very popular among the birthing community.  Not only do they have a very informative, organized podcast and website, but they also have courses that you can sign up for, including childbirth education and lactation support. Their information is well-researched.

Happy Homebirth Podcast

This podcast is dedicated to encouraging pregnant individuals that home birth does not have to be a scary or dangerous thing, and in fact, is advocated as the most optimal way to go.  If you have been considering a home birth, but have some fears about it, this is a great resource for you.

Healthy Births, Happy Babies

This podcast brings experts of the field in to discuss specific topics related to birth.  Penny Simkin, a well-known doula and educator, who has since passed away, was even on this amazing podcast.  Give it a listen!

Informed Pregnancy Podcast

With a a new (and entertaining!) episode dropping every Thursday, prenatal-focused chiropractor Dr. Elliot Berlin, from Los Angeles, CA, seeks unbiased information on the “most pressing topics” for those who are growing their families.  He interviews “parenting experts, celebrities, and new and expectant parents”.

Positive Pregnancy, Birth, and Motherhood

Poppy, an experienced hypnobirthing practitioner, doula, and mother from London, speaks about parenting and motherhood.

A happy mom who has listened to many pregnancy podcasts clings to her new baby in the birthing tub, smiling and relieved that she has birthed her baby

Final Thoughts on These Amazing Pregnancy Podcasts

While I cannot speak to each of these podcasts because I have not listened to all of them, I know these are all great resources.  It’s so great to do your own research if you are concerned about a particular aspect of labor, and it’s also great to learn more about the process in general so that when you are in labor, you will know what rights and options you have, and know when to say “no thanks!” or “Yes please!” So take a look at these amazing pregnancy podcasts, and hopefully you will feel more prepared for labor!

If you are looking for doula services, newborn or birth photos/video, I’d love to help you out! Come check out my doula page HERE.


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