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Shayna Cox

Don’t want to vaccinate? Here Are 5 Medical-Friendly Pediatricians in Modesto You Need to Check Out!

Medical-Friendly Pediatricians in Modesto

Are you a parent who does not want to vaccinate your child?  You aren’t alone.  As a moderator of a local Mom’s group on Facebook, I see a lot of comments and questions come through in our Modesto community.  One that sometimes rises to the surface is the question about what local pediatricians will take you on as a patient and not force you to vaccinate your child. If you are looking for medical-friendly pediatricians in Modesto, I’ve got you covered!

Pediatricians attend medical school with the intent on learning how to treat and prevent illness in patients by using modern medications, but with the increasing lack-of-trust in the medical system and the American government, more and more parents are opting-out of vaccinations.  This can put pediatricians in a delicate position, because if your child catches measles, smallpox, or any number of illnesses that can be prevented with a vaccine, that pediatrician may be concerned about being held liable if your child falls ill.  Therefore, many of them will refuse you as a patient if you choose to do so.

But not all!

Here are a few medical-friendly pediatricians in the Modesto area who local moms have reported have not given them a hard time about choosing not to vaccinate their children.

Here is the list of Medical-Friendly Pediatricians in Modesto

  1. Dr. Ekaterina Petrova at Golden Valley
  2. Dr. Ostrea at Valley Oak
  3. Dr. Kirk at Kaiser
  4. Dr. Liwag at Kaiser
  5. Dr. Rungtiwa, Merced
  6. Modesto Pediatrics – Dr. Lenser
  7. Blueberry Pediatric.  This is an app that costs $15 a month, and their doctors are available 24/7. They send you a little kit when you sign up, including an otoscope that connects to your phone so you can send photos of the inner-ear, plus an O2 monitor.  They will review all of the symptoms your child is having, and give you medical advice and prescribe medications if needed. We have Blueberry, and it has been super helpful during those middle-of-the-night sicknesses, and those random rashes that pop up.  Instead of having to trek to the doctor’s office with a sick child, you will get a call from a doctor within the hour and get the help you need.
  8. This is another great resource that you may also want to check out-Dr. Green Mom.  I searched for California doctors, and it provided a pretty good list! You may have to drive a little bit, but if this is really important to you, that drive may be worth it.

Now, keep in mind, these doctors may not currently be accepting patients, and they may eventually change their stance. So I cannot guarantee that they will accept you as a patient when and if you decide not to vaccinate your child. And I do not want anyone to get into trouble by putting this out into the internet, but personally, I believe that everyone should be able to choose whether or not they vaccinate their child. And I appreciate doctors who are open to allowing you to have that choice.

Do you know of any other medical-friendly pediatricians in Modesto?

If I hear of other medical-friendly pediatricians in the Modesto area, I will make sure to add them to the list! If you know of any others that are not on this list, please shoot me a message!

Thanks for being here! Hopefully this is helpful to someone out there!

If you are looking for more education and information regarding the choices you have in labor and/or birth, I’m happy to hop on a call with you and be your doula!  Have a beautiful day!


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A beautiful sky that is both warm and cool, with billowing clouds, hilighting the freedom you would feel by choosing a medically friendly pediatrician in modesto