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shayna cox

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The hip squeezes, the cervical checks, the emotional ups and downs, the vomit, the feces, the blood…..they are there for it all. The steady, patient, and strong hands that help you get through this incredibly laborious process. What would the world do without midwives and doulas?? This post is meant to honor them–to honor their […]

Honoring the Doulas and Midwives

Doula Support

The Post

Capturing the miracle of birth through photography is a profound and deeply emotional experience. If you are already a parent, you understand the value of preserving those precious moments for a lifetime. Birth photography goes beyond just taking pictures; it is about encapsulating the raw beauty, intense emotions, and the beginning of a new chapter […]

Why is Birth Photography So Expensive? | Modesto Birth Photographer

Doula Support

The Post

When you are pregnant and coming to a point where baby could come any day, and your body starts having lots of odd sensations that may make you wonder if baby is coming near. So how do you know when it is actually time to call your midwife, your doula, and/or your birth photographer? Let […]

When Should I Call My Midwife, Doula, and Birth Photographer?

Doula Support

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Birth photographer in Modesto

When I tell people I’m a birth photographer, I usually get some interesting looks! Most people are either disgusted, surprised, or slightly curious. Since it’s January, I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching. Why AM I doing this?! It’s such a unique niche of photography. Well, initially, I found a birth photographer on Instagram. I […]

Why I Became a Birth Photographer | Modesto Birth Photographer

Doula Support

The Post
Newborn baby session in MOdesto, California from Modesto Newborn Photography

Briana stopped coming to tap class. She let us know that she had a lot going on with grad school & planning a wedding. We were bummed not to see her anymore, but we were so excited for her!! Bri, unknown to me, was following me on social media. She started liking my posts and […]

A Rainbow Baby Miracle-Hello Alan!

Doula Support

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