Real people • beautiful stories • Timeless Memories
When I tell people I’m a birth photographer, I usually get some interesting looks! Most people are either disgusted, surprised, or slightly curious. Since it’s January, I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching. Why AM I doing this?! It’s such a unique niche of photography. Well, initially, I found a birth photographer on Instagram. I […]
Keeping Our Newborn Clients Safe For those of you who know our story, we have twin boys. They were born premature, and unfortunately, they dealt with a lot of respiratory issues when they were born. From the day we got them, we could see how delicate their respiratory system was. At one point, one of […]
In this day and age, there are photographers around every corner, and as you jump on Google or in your local Facebook groups, there will be about a million and one who are thirsty for clients. Trust me, its crazy out there. (Don’t believe me? Try joining your nearest mom group and asking for a […]
Briana stopped coming to tap class. She let us know that she had a lot going on with grad school & planning a wedding. We were bummed not to see her anymore, but we were so excited for her!! Bri, unknown to me, was following me on social media. She started liking my posts and […]