
photo • video • doula services

shayna cox

Looking for a birth photographer in the bay area? Drumroll, please….

newborn baby lays on mom's belly after birth
newborn baby lays on mom's belly after birth

Birth Photography – On the Clock 24/7


Hey!  If you couldn’t tell already, I am a BBY certified birth photographer based in Modesto, California.  And as you would imagine, birth photographers try to stay a little more local to where they live, within a reasonable radius.  If you are familiar with Northern California, and especially the Bay Area, you understand the traffic struggle. And when you are needing to speed to a birth, obviously, this can be quite the hinderance, especially if you have to travel a lengthy distance.  I myself try to stay within 50 miles of Modesto, which puts me out to the East Bay, but not crossing the bridge.  And while I have taken clients in the bay area before, even all the way up to Sacramento, I prefer to refer them to photographers closer to them, because in the off-chance that baby decides to come during rush hour, and birth is precipitous, I’d rather those moments not be missed.

So while we are here, I am going to share with you the other birth photographers that I am aware of in the Bay Area, and I am going to only recommend those who seem to have enough experience and decent-quality photos where hopefully, you will not regret your choice!

  1. Robyn Kessler.  Robyn is a BBY certified birth photographer who also does a range of motherhood and family photos, including pups!  Her style is lighter and brighter/true-to-life, and she has a beautiful eye.  She is excited and hoping to pick up more birth sessions, so I highly recommend checking her out! I always recommend the BBY photographers first, because I know the length of which they have trained, so I trust them.
  2. Paige Driscoll.  Paige is also a BBY certified birth photographer AND a doula.  So she can offer you both services simultaneously, thus eliminating the need to hire multiple people in your birth space. Paige has been doing this for a while, has received multiple awards and multiple publications. She also does videography. I’ve heard really good things about the experience that clients have with her, as well. She absolutely comes qualified, and I suspect isn’t exactly cheap…but she’s definitely worth it!
  3. Rachel the Photographer.  Rachel isn’t certified that I can see, but she is another great option for birth photos.  She also photographs weddings and families, so hey, you can keep her around for all of those life milestones! I’m not sure how much experience she has in births, but she may be a great option for anyone who is hoping to have a birth photographer but can’t quite afford the more well-known photographer.
  4. Nicole Monique.  Nicole is also not listed as a certified photographer, but judging by her website, she does seem to have a good amount of experience photographing births.  She is also a doula, as well, so that is definitely a bonus!!  Her style is earthy and warm, which is a beautiful fit in the birth space. She would be another great option!


Now, this list certainly isn’t complete, but from what I have found on Google, and in my own certified BBY group, these artists seem to have a good grasp on the skills needed to survive in the birth room.  Birth is one of the hardest types of photography, because lighting is so difficult, so if your photographer doesn’t have good command of their camera and flash, and doesn’t have experience working in a variety of lighting situations, you may not love your photos and may regret your purchase.  They are on-call for WEEKS at a time, so naturally, no matter their experience, they will need to charge for that time, so choosing someone to invest in that knows what they are doing is going to be such a relief to you.


If you live in the Central Valley or in the East Bay, I would absolutely LOVE to be your birth photographer and doula!!  And if you are looking for local providers that can help you on your birth journey, make sure you sign up for my email list and I will send you a lot of amazing options!