Lactation Consultants in Modesto, CA

breastfeeding baby in a hospital

Hey there! Did you know that 97% of parents seek support during their breastfeeding journey? (Lactation Network). Breastfeeding absolutely comes with its challenges. Unfortunately, though you may be given a couple of helpful tips in the hospital, you usually feel like you need more support after you are sent home. (Where did that nurse go?!?)

And even if it seems like things are going well with latching, etc, but baby seems a little off/fussy, lactation consultants can help with SO MANY issues that we often don’t even think to associate them with. Is baby preferring one side? Is baby crying a lot/colicky? Gassy issues? Tension in their body? Suspected tongue-tie? Are you struggling with using your breast pump? Are you dealing with cracked nipples or uncomfortable let-down? Mastitis? Feeling like you aren’t producing enough?

I absolutely recommend that every breastfeeding individual seek out an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant), because this can really get you and baby into a good, healthy, less-stressed situation. And thankfully, we actually have THREE in the Modesto area. So if you are looking for lactation consultants in Modesto, CA, you have come to the right place!

A baby sleeping in a hospital basinet.

As a birth photographer, birth doula, and moderator of local facebook Mom groups, I have gotten to know our lovely local lactation consultants, and I can tell you that they are all just amazing people. You can’t go wrong with any of them! And honestly, we don’t have very many certified lactation consultants in Modesto (at the moment I am writing this, we have a total of 2.5, but hopefully we will have more doulas decide to train!), so you really can take your time to decide who would be a good fit for you!

So let’s get to it!

  1. Kim Hunter, IBCLC, Postpartum Doula

Kim is a gem. She is a mom of two, and she decided to become a postpartum doula after having hiring her own doula for her 2nd child. Most pregnant individuals who choose a doula the 2nd time around have usually had a rough experience with their first birth, and are trying to avoid the trauma that can occur from such a situation. Kim was no exception to this.

I actually met Kim one hot summer day when we happened to run into each other at the park. My kids were being crazy, and she very graciously started laughing instead of getting upset about it, and then proceeded to tell me I was doing a good job. It always helps when another mom totally gets the struggle, #amiright? I was so grateful for her realism and her kindness. I ended up offering her headshots, and I got to see her in action as she did several client consultations.

I was so impressed with the things she was picking up on as these tired mamas came to her hoping for help. Kim is incredibly observant, patient, and knowledgeable. I honestly feel like every parent with a newborn should come to see her, even if things seem to be going well for you.

Some of her services (and these services can be performed by any IBCLC) include (from her website)

  • Prenatal breastfeeding & lactation education to help things off to the best start!
  • Hands on breastfeeding instruction & support
  • Hands on pumping instruction & support 
  • Breast pump flange fitting
  • Assistance with latching & positioning​
  • Solutions for your breastfeeding challenges (sore, cracked, and/or damaged nipples, engorgement, clogged ducts, mastitis, low milk supply, over supply, etc.)
  • Guidance for oral restrictions (lip, cheek & tongue ties)
  • Guidance with expressing/pumping, introducing a bottle and returning to work
  • Resources and referrals as necessary
  • Oral and physical assessment of baby to determine any asymmetry, tension, head preference, or any other things that could impact feeding, as well as determination if baby is meeting their milestones, and general comfort and well being of the infant.

Kim’s office is located in downtown Modesto, and she is ready and willing to accept new patients. She takes telehealth as well as in-person clients, and accepts a variety of PPO plans, including Anthem, Blue Shield, Blue Cross, Cigna and CHAMPVA.  If you are struggling to afford her services, and your insurance is not listed, she DOES offer discounted sessions at specific dates/times.

A new mom breastfeeds her baby in a hospital

2. Kaitlin Valencia, IBCLC, BS in Nursing, Radical Birthkeeper

Kaitlin is another absolute gem. She is very kind, helpful, and passionate about what she does, and is a woman of faith. If you are into the idea of doing a home birth, or have had a difficult hospital birth and are looking into something a little more natural, she is your girl. Kaitlin has a background in nursing, as she previously worked in labor and delivery, and as a result of that experience, she developed a distaste for some of the practices that she witnessed in hospitals. She now advocates for birthing at home, and holds very casual monthly meet-ups for anyone who may be interested in learning more about that process. (And yes, you can bring your kids!)

Kaitlin is very approachable, is an amazing doodle-mom, is extremely knowledgeable, and is excellent at building community connections. She can refer you to all the homeopathic pregnancy, birth, and postpartum providers in the area. I was so impressed that she hosted and organized an entire birth meet-up in San Joaquin Valley. It was absolutely beautiful and so nice to meet so many wonderful providers. And I was also very impressed with her monthly meet-ups. I was able to attend one in Ripon, where the topic of focus was monitoring your body’s cycles and planning (or avoiding) pregnancy by using this technique. She is very friendly, professional, and knowledgeable.

And of course, as an IBCLC, she is able to help you will all things nursing, latching, tongue-tie recognition, feeding issues, and anything that you may be finding difficult about nursing. Kaitlin offers tele-health as well as in-person appointments, so you can choose whichever is more convenient for you. She does not currently have an office, but she is willing to come to you for support.

Kaitlin also accepts the following insurances within the Lactation Network, including (but not limited to):

  • Blue Cross
  • Anthem
  • United Healthcare
  • VA Insurance

Kaitlin is currently accepting clients. Be sure to give Kaitlin a follow on Instagram HERE. And if you are still on the fence and wanting to learn more about lactation support, feel free to join her free Honey B Club, where she currently holds meet-ups at the Ripon Library, Wednesdays from 1-2pm.

A baby yawns in a hospital basinet

3. Corinne Chilton, (Almost IBCLC!), Modesto Birth and Beyond

Corinne, part-owner of Modesto Birth and Beyond, a collective of local doulas and birth educators, just recently took her IBCLC exam. I have full confidence that by 2025, she will be fully credentialed and ready to roll! I’ve been friends with Corinne for years now and can vouch for her as not only being incredibly knowledgeable, but a very GOOD person as well. She’s the kind of friend who showed up late one night to bring over some tummy-rub for our very grouchy newborn boys!

Corinne is a very kind, peaceful, passionate individual (and she never loses her cool!), is a great listener, an incredibly hard-working business owner, and she is also a homeschooling mom of three, and like other doulas before her, Corinne had a very difficult hospital birth experience with her firstborn. From her own birth-trauma was born a deep desire and passion to help other birthing individuals to have the tools and education to make choices for themselves–to take back their power in the birth space, and has since helped countless individuals as a doula, both in-hospital and in-home. Corinne became passionate about supporting breastfeeding/chestfeeding individuals during this process, and has been working incredibly hard to learn all the necessary techniques to help you in this journey.

Corinne is also very passionate about the effect of tongue-ties, as she has personal experience with this. We spoke at length about it one evening, and I was so impressed at her knowledge, even months before she took her exam. She’s truly a natural and the information she shared was mind-blowing. It’s amazing how one little part of the body can affect everything–from your head to your toes. Once she is fully credentialed, she will officially qualified to help recognize tongue-ties in your newborns and babies as well, and will of course be able to refer you to local providers who specialize in fixing them.

A newborn baby breastfeeds

4. Last but not least, Ann-Marie Christian, MOM, IBCLC, RYT-200, ICCE, ICBD, IAT(ICEA)

I met Ann-Marie at a local birth meet-up hosted by Kaitlin Valencia. Ann-Marie has been a lactation consultant for several years now, and notified me that she has participated in training other lactation consultants in our area. She is based in Lodi, California, and takes a limited number of clients per month. She is a mom of teenagers, super easy to talk to, friendly and outgoing, and very knowledgeable and passionate about what she does. She loves supporting local birth workers, and is a wealth of knowledge. You can find her on instagram under the handle @birthworkmama or @nurturingcircles.

Like I said, we have some amazing women here, and you really can’t go wrong with any of our Modesto-based IBCLC’s. I recommend interviewing each of them and determining which one you feel would be a good fit for you! Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it! Good luck, mama, you got this!

Feel free to shoot me an email if you have any questions or are looking for a birth, newborn, maternity, or family session, or are looking for a doula! Hope to see you soon!

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