When Should I Call My Birth Photographer? | Modesto, CA Birth Photography

When you are pregnant and coming to a point where baby could come any day, how do you know when to call your doula/photographer/midwife??

Let me help you out!

First of all, its really important to know the signs of labor, and especially know the signs that labor is potentially around the corner.

Ideally, you would let your team know as SOON as you start showing signs of early labor. This can mean back aches, potentially a lost mucus plug/water breaking (and actually, waters do not always break!! That is a myth perpetuated by media…but I digress…), irregular contractions, a feeling that baby has “dropped” deep into the pelvis….

As SOON as you start showing signs of early labor, let them know. That way, they can plan ahead for childcare, charge their camera batteries, clear their SD cards, and get a go-bag ready with whatever gear/snacks/extras they might want to bring with them. Early labor can last for days, especially if you are one to have prodromal labor (and, by the way, if you are dealing with this, I am SO sorry. It can be pretty miserable. I highly recommend asking a doula or a midwife for some help at this point, because most likely, baby isn’t sitting quite in the right position, so its your body’s way of attempting to get baby situated correctly and/or holding off on the birth until baby IS in the best position. Doulas and midwives have ways of showing you how to get baby in the best position so that labor can progress quicker and go smoother, potentially even avoiding things like c-sections, depending. )

Once you start showing signs of ACTIVE labor, CALL them. I would not recommend sending a text: CALL, especially if it is later at night. Hopefully they have you on their override in case they turn their phone volume off at night! ACTIVE labor will look like regular, steady contractions that are about 5 minutes apart, as well as more pressure in the pelvis area. You will progress to around a 5-6 dilation–at this point, its probably time for your photographer/doulas/midwives to show up if they haven’t already!

Anyway, hopefully this helps!! If you have any questions, feel free to send me a note!! :). I’m so excited for you!!!

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