C-Section Birth at Doctor’s Medical Center, Modesto | Birth of Marley Jade | Shayna Cox Photography

It was a Friday morning. Rachel felt like something was off, so she went to her doctor’s office, only to receive confirming news that more tests were needed. She texted me, left her 2 1/2 year old with her mom, drove an hour to Doctor’s Medical Center in Modesto, and anxiously awaited the news. Her partner was at work an hour and a half away, so hopefully it was just a false alarm.

It wasn’t the news she wanted to hear, but getting baby girl here safely was the most important thing. She let me know that her c-section would occur at 4pm, so I planned accordingly.

At 2:00, I got a call that she would need to go in for her c-section at 2:30. Unfortunately, her partner was an hour and a half away, and he would not be able to get there in time. She would be there alone, bringing baby girl into the world. Thankfully, I don’t live very far away, so I was able to re-arrange plans and high-tail it over there.

They prepped her belly, were very understanding as she shared a previous birth c-section trauma that she had experienced, and they promised her that things would be different this time. The nurses and staff were absolutely amazing and incredibly accommodating as she told her story and advocated for me to be able to come into the room with her as her support person so that she would be able to document Marley’s birth and hopefully better emotionally metabolize what had happened that day. In addition, it would allow her partner, Mike, to be able to feel like he was able to witness what happened, even if it was vicariously. I was so happy for her and Mike that the staff allowed this to happen.

They wheeled her down the long hallway into the OR, and I waited with baited breath until they came to get me. She was so calm, so patient. So flexible in bending with her birth plan. This wasn’t what she wanted, but with several health scares during her pregnancy, this was what was best for baby.

After about 45 minutes, the nurse came to get me. I wasn’t allowed to walk past the curtain, but they did allow me to grab photos of mom, photos over the curtain of Marley as the doctors held her up, and several photos of Marley and Mom after the fact.

Mom was SMILING! She was treated with much more kindness and respect this time around than during her first c-section at a different hospital. Thank goodness for the amazing staff over at Doctor’s Hospital in Modesto. They truly went above and beyond.

Dad arrived not long after Marley was wheeled out of the OR. He said “is this her??” and ran up to see her. He was so sad that he missed the birth, but it was so beautiful to see him hold her for the first time. He had rushed here as soon as he could, adrenaline pumping, as he made his way to see his baby girl for the first time. He was so worried about being dirty from work, so the nurse, Alicia, gave him a shield to wear over his clothes.

When Rachel was ready to be moved to recovery, the nurse surprised her by walking Mike back to see her. She was so excited! And a little loopy.

Baby girl came out STARVING!!!! She ate like a champ. I find it incredibly amazing that newborns know exactly what to do to eat. They can actually crawl up their mother’s body (when laying down)to locate the breast to eat. It’s just incredible.

Thank you, Doctor’s, for letting me in that OR room! Thank you, Rachel, for trusting me in your birth space and allowing me to photograph these incredible moments for you and your beautiful family!!

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